Surface web VS Deep web VS Dark web
WORLD WIDE WEB Hey Guy's, now a days, internet has become a precious part of everyone's lifestyle, but so many of us do not know about it's wideness. So here we will explain you about world wide Web in a very simple & regular language. First of all let's talk a bit about the internet. . Internet is made up of billions of devices connected together and share information all over the world. Internet is divided into three separate sections, & these are - 1 ) Surface Web 2 ) Deep Web 3 ) Dark web So here in the very beginning of this article we will talk about Surface Web. SURFACE WEB Surface Web ( also know as Visible Web, Indexed Web, Indexable Web or Lightnet ) is that portion of internet which is openly available for each & every user of the internet world wide at standard search engines such as Google, Yahoo, UC Browser, etc. Anytime, anywhere & Without any special permission, any user can access the data present in sur...